Looking out for used Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 kits? What to expect?

 What? You missed including Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 in the list of equipment you need for your medical facility, and now you are on a tight budget for this one? Nothing to worry about! Buying used Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 kits is the best way out in this situation. However, let us remind you that not all sets of used Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 have equal kits. 

Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801

At shops offering used and refurbished medical equipment, you can find a few sets of Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 to choose yours from. Have a look at the options below.

Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 to buy

Following are two options for used and refurbished Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 kits.

Set #1: Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 and Skin Graft Mesher 7701 kits

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8802-001-00 Width Plate, 1 in. (3cm)

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8802-002-00 Width Plate, 2 in. (5cm)

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8802-003-00 Width Plate, 3 in. (8cm)

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8802-004-00 Width Plate, 4 in. (10cm)

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8801-002-00 Air Dermatome Hose

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8801-001-00 Air Dermatome Handpiece

Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8803-000-00 Dermatome Screwdriver

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8801-003-00 Autoclave Case

Set #2: Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 Kit

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8802-001-00 Width Plate, 1 in. (3cm)

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8802-002-00 Width Plate, 2 in. (5cm)

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8802-003-00 Width Plate, 3 in. (8cm)

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8802-004-00 Width Plate, 4 in. (10cm)

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8801-001-00 Air Dermatome Handpiece

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8801-002-00 Air Dermatome Hose

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8803-000-00 Dermatome Screwdriver

1X - Zimmer Ref: 00-8801-003-00 Autoclave Case

So, which of these two options fit your need? Have a look at the details and make your choice. An additional tip to ensure a great deal is to choose a reliable seller. How to choose the seller?

Be sure you are buying from a shop that offers used and refurbished medical equipment.

Check their past selling history and customer satisfaction.

Compare prices between a few of such stores to make sure you are not overpaying.

Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801

Buying used medical device

Have you made your choice for the Zimmer Air Dermatome 8801 set? Take time if you need to. But be sure to decide the option before anyone else book that before you do. If choosing the store seems daunting, you can rely on tools4docs.equipment. Visit the online store and get details you might want before deciding if it is the store with whom you can make the best deal.
